Joy is not a requirement of Christian discipleship, it is a consequence. It is not what we have to acquire in order to experience life in Christ; it is what comes to us when we are walking in the way of faith and obedience. --Eugene Peterson
This week I found out that one of my students had passed away after years of dialysis and extensive surgeries. She was 12 years old and had just passed the 6th grade.
I watched her fight her illness and live with the knowledge of her impending death on a daily basis. She faced issues most adults only begin to grapple with after decades of life experiences.
When children die it is difficult to understand. How do the dying young find hope? Where does it come from? Even as a Christian I struggle to understand...
Hope comes from God. I try my best to give people hope; I think I even try to make myself hope. In the end, though, it comes from God. And that is why we should marvel at it when we see it in people wracked with pain or loss.
and that's also why we should wait for it, pray for it, and help ferry it into their souls by simply being there in the Name of Jesus for them until it appears in them.. We have to have a theology of Presence. Words fail at times. Being there as Jesus would "preaches" truth until the time comes when the words of Jesus can be received.
blessings in the struggle. You're not alone.
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