Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Great news!

who's for starting a fund for this?


At 8:17 PM, Blogger wn said...

Wow. How sad.

At 6:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have decided to go with Ebay in an effort to spread the messages of Jesus." Hmmm...maybe we should try Craig's List to see which is more effective.

At 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse jaw just dropped and hit the floor. I particularly like his cure for cancer! Interesting.

There was an interesting article on MSN this morning about the single life and how it's better than the married's non-Christian in perspective. And while the article touts that we singles can do anything we want, whenever we me it paints a bleak picture. It's a good read....>1=8333

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Patrick Lafferty said...

Anne, it is curious that a woman who has come up with a list of reasons why singleness is better to have written a book entitled, How to Find the Right Person in 90 Days. If marriage is the abyss she makes it out to be, why would i want to enter into that abyss in only 90 days?

Here we have an example of taking a little of bit of science and a little bit of an agenda and whipping up a rather provocative essay that's sure to sell a few papers.

Don't hear me assigning a hierarchy of marriage over singleness, but all the reasons she gives for opting for the latter have the a stench of self-interest that, as the Preacher in Ecclesiastes might conclude, will leave them asking the question at the end of their lives, "what does a person gain for all their pursuit of personal pleasure? This, too, I found was absurd."


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