Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The excuse of being a sinner is getting old.

For many months I have been reading through excerpts from “Spiritual Revival the Want of the Church” by Charles Spurgeon. With each read through I see things that were once hidden to my heart. As Spurgeon said, “We Christians need a revival of piety in our lives…It is well known that it is no guarantee of a man’s honesty that he is a member of the church.” It’s certainly not that we deny our sinfulness so that we all “look” good on the outside. Nor is it that we just accept sinfulness as an excuse. I think the excuse of being a sinner is getting old. Something that I desire is to be more appalled by sin. I’m tired of the church overlooking not only our sin, but turning a blind eye to the sin of our brothers and sisters.

Great, we’re all sinners and we all know it. Shall I start passing out certificates of achievement? Somehow sin has become something that we recognize and we keep on sinning with no expectation to be rebuked. I want to fight against sin and not just acknowledge it. The last thing I want is to be surrounded by people who don’t care enough about my spiritual health by allowing me to continue in my sin. I have found the friends who became the closest to me have been the ones who, early in our relationship, made it clear that they were in my life to be my family at whatever the cost. No amount of my sinful heart would drive them away because it is understood that we are in need of each other. And isn’t that what it should be?

Yesterday, as I wrote the above paragraphs, I sensed that I was leaving out something pivotal. This morning I received a text message from a friend who works at a church in Irving about an article he had written about holiness. And I realized the cause of Christ and the glory of the Father far exceeds our insecurities to be deeply involved in each others’ lives. We need to learn to strive for God’s holiness, rather than attempting to “be holy.” By this I mean God is the object of His own affection because there is no other good. We must not “mistake outward piety for inward purity.” We must seek to uphold and desire that which is most good; we must ask to be made holy after only that which is most holy, God. “I’m a sinner” is a phrase too often used to excuse us from our disobedience to God, rather than confession and repentance of our fallenness to the Father. Our life is about God’s Holiness, and me passionately pursuing that and finding joy in Him. Saying goodbye to self is a difficult path, but one marked with grace through Christ.

Sara Kerens

(Check out the article by Brandon Florey at http://www.macarthurchurch.com/index.php?id=99.)


At 7:57 AM, Blogger Caffeine and Irony said...

Money line: “I’m a sinner” is a phrase too often used to excuse us from our disobedience to God, rather than confession and repentance of our fallenness to the Father.

The truth about sin is that it is not only actions, but also in a sense our state of being. Sandwiched between the fall and the Second Coming, we live in a time and place where God doesn’t seem near. And indeed, though he is near, he is not here. There is some separation. And our efforts can not bridge that gulf. Only Christ and the Holy Spirit can. We call it Grace – but it could also be described as temporary repeals of the curse – where we are in the presence of the divine, and by Christ’s atonement made acceptable. Of course, this is fleeting and frustrating until Christ returns.

If it feels like something’s wrong with this world, you’re right. We were made to worship God in person. Yet now though we see in a mirror dimly, then we shall see face to face.


At 9:00 AM, Blogger Bonnie said...

I've been dwelling a lot lately on the "picture" of what it means to glorify God. Because, ultimately, our glorifying Him is simply His glorifying Himself through us. He glorifies Himself by being God. In ourselves, our fundamental problem is our inability to please God. Apart from Him. So, in fact, our glorifying Him is allowing and growing in His expression of Himself through us. It's a huge concept.
Consider this quote from John Piper:
"God made us alive and secured us in Christ so the he could make us the beneficiaries of everlasting kindness from infinite riches of grace. This is not because we are worthy. Quite the contrary, it is to show the infinite measure of his worth. Grace would not be grace if it were a response to resources in us. Grace is grace because it highlights God's own overflowing resources of kindness. Grace is eternal because it will take that long for God to expend inexaustible stores of goodness on us. Grace is free because God would not be the infinite, self-sufficient God hs is if he were constrained by anything outside himself." (John Piper, "Future Grace", p.83)

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Bonnie said...

Oops. It occurs to me that Small Groups Nazi is not an identity I'm regularly known by in Sunday School! So I'll take responsibility for my words in case anybody wants to yell at me later. ;)


At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:49 AM, Blogger Fork said...

Uh oh. Looks like this blog is getting splogged.


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