Boromir on Toddlers
Boromir says something so very relevant about the nurture of a two and a half year old. Shamus gives us great joy, but his antics of late...well, they don't call the terrible twos for nothing.
Joy is not a requirement of Christian discipleship, it is a consequence. It is not what we have to acquire in order to experience life in Christ; it is what comes to us when we are walking in the way of faith and obedience. --Eugene Peterson
it's awfully easy to offer commentary from behind the veil of anonymity.
(even if it's true)
Sophigirl, your trackback isn't working on the blog you listed.
Wait, based on your comment on my blog, I was all set to pledge Tressa's troth to Shamus.
Now, you say he's acting like a CHILD?! He's not perfect?
I'll consider your offer further.
(Did I mention that Tressa threw herself on the floor this morning screaming the "light is OFF". -- while was actually on?)
Shamus has the same problem with knowing on and off.
I suppose I do too--insisting things are something they are not. Infancy: it's not just for infants anymore
I suppose you could always put him in a cage. He's round and furry, kind of like a hamster. I bet he'd take to it rather well. Just be sure to feed him high quality pellets and keep his bottle full of water at all times.
chimchim, identify! or we'll lock you in Speed Racer's trunk like your human companion (whose name escapes me) used to
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